So because of the weird combination of extreme laziness and working too much that is my life lately, I haven't gotten around to writing about any bad movies this month. Thankfully, to fill the void, we've got the first installment of what's likely going to come up a lot with my laziness and all: a guest review! Everybody cheer... or not, whatever, it's a blog, who cares? Anyway, onto the movie.
we are, at the very much delayed debut of Stevie
Gets Drunk and Reviews Whatever He
Goddamn Pleases. My choice is Ang Lee's Hulk, which I last saw as a 9
year old in 2003; it has probably not aged well. The Sprite and on
sale terrible banana rum has been poured, let this farce
and cells dividing and then jellyfish? This opening sequence is like
a rip-off of the actual cool opener in Spider-man with webs and shit.
Now they sawed a leg off a jellyfish? Science. Definitely science.
And after many random flashes of lab books, equations, and
microscopes, I can even further confirm that science is afoot.
3 and a half minutes in and we're still montaging...what the fuck,
Ang? Did you even edit this thing? 4:20 and it finally went to a
military guy shooting down the science! Progress? And I don't know
who the scientist actor is, but I'm calling him blonde rape stache
(BRS). BRS has now had a baby that I assume
will be Bruce Banner, but who fucking
BRS is shooting up or taking samples from his son, so that'll end
well. Yup, BRS is Banner’s daddy and he's been experimenting with
Hulk serum on humans; the military seems (actually rightfully) not
happy. This child actor is terrible even without lines, but luckily
(unfortunately?) we've now jumped to Bruce Banner about to go to
college. Another sudden jump from the useless college scene, and
Bruce is an adult Eric Bana, at Berkley Nuclear whatever, with a
joint Lou Ferrigno/Stan Lee spotting as he bikes (loser) into
wearing his bike helmet like a real nerd-virgin, a nerd with weird
facial makes fun of Bana, and why the fuck is this a scene? Oh look,
a hot girl and he takes the helmet off. The hot girl is the girl that
goes to that sex club for heroin in Requiem for a Dream, which
matters more than anything being said at the 14 minute mark of
they're exposing frogs to various science words with many
overdramatic shots and weird music, oh look, the frog exploded!
Action! Aaaand back to boring Bana, drinking and having a forced
flirting scene with heroin girl, how quaint.
second love interest for heroin girl appears! Tries to woo heroin
girl [editors note: I REALLY hope people start referring to Jennifer Connelly as "herion girl" for all of her movies. This should make the next time you watch Labyrinth... interesting) with a high-paying job! Gets shut down by heroin girl, but we
now know heroin girl's dad is some military big-shot. Plot movement?
Also, the transitions in this movie are like a grade-schooler's first
PowerPoint presentation. I'm basically expecting laser noises for the
next one.
we're on to Bana's former relationship with heroin girl, by way of
him fantasizing about a picture. Bana is not even trying to be
convincing with his lines, just droning through them. Goddamnit Bana,
give Ang's steaming dump a little effort! And time for flashback
within a fantasy for $1000 Alex! To heroin girl's childhood and a
green Hulksplosion at a desert base we go (probably caused by
back to reality for a poodle to be in the lab and bark angrily when
Bana tries to touch it...I think I'm starting to remember the Hulk's
shitty foes in this dumb movie. A janitor met for a second earlier is
also doing shady shit after hours, I hope he starts experimenting on
Bana's lack of effort and Ang Lee's wacky editing/bland script.
Bitchass Bana has a nightmare with green flecks and is seeing a
creepy guy with creepy dogs including that poodle, but we're gonna
pause for another drink.
poured and we're off to creepy janitor's janky lab and...holy shit,
is that Nick Nolte?!?!? What the fuck are you doing as creepy
janitor? You're too good to be the old version of Bruce Banner's dad
for a movie featuring Eric Bana's complete indifference. Second love
interest is now back, being all rapey, and Bana immediately gets
catty with him. Don't worry, he maintains his indifference, even
through second love interest's threat of hostile takeover (henceforth
SLI). Ooooohhhh, hostile takeover, so scaaaryyyy, and....terrible
dramatic double-shot of Bana's eyes and SLI leaving the room.
the nerd that made fun of Bana for wearing the bike helmet goes and
fucks something up, Bana tries to fix it, and BAM, the Hulk is lamely
born at the 30 minute mark with special effects straight from an
episode of Power Rangers. There are probably people out there doing
better work on MS Paint. Bana has apparently survived the radiation
and has indifferently "never felt better". We all know
where this is going...another montage, with lizards and jellyfish and
the surface of Mars(?). Goddamnit Ang.
SHIT, Nick Nolte's now up in Bana's hospital room with uncombed hair
and his 3 weird ass dogs. Telling Bana he's actually a Banner...wait,
did he not know his last name? Welp, that didn't reach me, but who
cares about the viewer. Nolte's lookin’ like a witch and making
crazy promises, and OH SHIT AGAIN, he's trying to act! How refreshing
to Bana, who still does not give a shit about his lines. Bunch of
bullshit from Nolte, causing Bana to actually raise his voice above
indifference, then causing the dogs to be creepy and Nolte mention
Bana's temper. How subtle.
girl's dear old military dad, complete with distinguished military
mustache, now visits. This scene is boring and I bet she's gonna have
some daddy issues. Oh look, daddy issues! He's distant! Heroin girl
is sad! Go fucking figure. And...HOLY TITBALL SLANGING DICKS, A
tripping balls with more Power Ranger editing, some scrunching of his
nose, and...he actually Hulks out. I think there may be Power Ranger
baddies with better suits, but whatever, at least he's free to fuck
up a nuclear lab in a shiny shade of green. And...goddamnit Nolte,
stop warmly caressing the Hulk! That doesn't even make sense! Quit
your terrible fake crying when he jumps through a ceiling that
literally can't hold him!
I still have like 90 minutes left, I'm overwriting all the nothing
happening. Fuck me, and fuck the cheap banana rum's low proof.
Gloriously mustached military dad reappears with Bana's wallet at
Bana's house, little does know he's fucking with the indifferent
Hulk! Heroin girl moves on to questioning Nolte in his hoarder
science pad and gets some rapey pushback. Go for it Nick! You have
nothing to lose here! Something, something, heroin girl, double sided
now upset with mustache military guy, military guy upset too, don't
come near my daughter bullshit, whatever. Back to more ridiculous
transitions chosen by some voting block of 7 year olds as "super
cool", the highest level of a scale starting at "You are
Eric Bana's complete indifference". Nolte calls up Bana, saying
he experimented on himself, passing it on to Bana (this renders the
opening past sequence mostly useless. Nolte further says his dogs are
being injected with Hulk goo and will be going after heroin girl
because reasons.
love interest reappears at Bana's house to commit assault and battery
for no real reason besides to act as a plot device both impeding
Bana's saving of heroin girl and making Bana upset enough to Hulk
out. He succeeds on both fronts, and Bana becomes the shade of green
ideal for grocery store green beans. The military was still watching
the house, so they shoot at the Hulk with gun sounds faker than those
in a child's toy. Maybe Ang Lee's sound department was trying to
match the lead actor’s indifference here?
Hulk grows 3 sizes, kicks shit. Heroin girl has very fake cabin in
very fake woods, but hey, at least Hulked out Bana can go full King
Kong and show love for tiny heroin girl right before the Hulked out
dogs arrive, looking like monsters straight from a mid-90s B-movie.
Only thing of note from the fight scene: he totally punches a dog in
the dick and kills one of the dogs by punching right down its throat.
The dogs die in weird puffs of green so poorly done I expected
numbers telling the Hulk how many experience points the kills earned
him, but would you expect anything else from this?
poodle may not be dead, but thankfully I think I'm halfway through
this garbage. We're back to indifferent dialogue, so I'm gonna try to
not pay close attention here. Oh look! The military shoots Bana with
a knockout dart and an excitingly worthless helicopter transport
scene ensues! They could have saved money and cut the movie's runtime
by not having this bullshit! Bana has been transported to some secret
desert base with very colorful pipes and oddly lit rooms. Heroin girl
wants Bana helped, mustached distant father wants him sedated
forever, go figure.
girl uses "government wants to use his as a weapon" copout
line, and we've entered obvious cliché land. ~ Come on Ang! You can
be better than this! [editors note: since the only thing anyone really knew Ang Lee had done before this was "Flying Tiger, Hidden Rip-Off", that doesn't seem like it's true in the slightest]~ I suddenly wonder how Nolte's dogs were able
to find heroin girl's fake cabin, but we're way past that with Nolte
now zapping himself with Hulk juice in another scene with Power
Ranger level effects and him gaining the ability to phase into
things. Like, he phases his hand into a console and proceeds to hit a
security guy with it. This makes no sense, but why should it.
desert lab is apparently in a deserted military town where both the
opener and heroin girl's flashback took place, and this is way less
cool than it could be thanks to more Bana indifference paired with
poor writing. Just goes to show, if you can't get your movie to work
through standard plot and dialogue, you just throw in endless
flashbacks until everything is stupid and nobody gives a shit about
the movie's contact.
ruling from unknown/more powerful forces causes heroin girl to be
barred from seeing Bana. Ok, whatever. And second love interest wants
to "carve a piece" off the Hulk for tests...GREAT ideas
here. SLI starts trying to get Bana mad, so he's clearly a real smart
guy. Nolte wants to see Bana too, showing up in heroin girl's
non-cabin house to request it. More flashbacks and bullshit and cuts
to Bana getting tortured in a blue tank as Nolte monologues. This
BANA. A twist that changes absolutely nothing, but I'll take any
actual effort by Ang at this point.
bad cuts, tanked Bana Hulks out, fucks shit up, second love interest
is surprised and... goddamnit, the sleeping gas gives the Hulk the
sniffles. Current Marvel would make sure this is actually funny, but
2003 Marvel makes it very lame. Now the poorly CGIed Hulk is getting
sprayed with poorly CGIed foam in the worst poor CGI bukakke
imaginable. Second love interest proceeds to trying to drill into
foam-stuck Hulks head, and the CGI seems to actually dip below Power
Ranger levels; the Hulk rubberizes, second love interest tries to
shoot him with an rpg thing, and kills himself in a definitely
sub-Power Ranger explosion. Damnit Ang!!!!
of dramatic shots as the base goes into lockdown and Hulk fucks shit
up throughout poorly done gunfire, weird cuts, and the Hulk's poor
CGI causing his pants to be part of his legs. Hulk finally gets to
the surface, where he finds jumping to be superior to running in
getting from point A to B. Ok, whatever, damnit Ang.
more flashback, rocket fire at the Hulk, endless desert, tanks, and I
have no idea why this is happening. Hulk throws a tank by its cannon
and punches another tank...maybe Ang just had budget to burn here
thanks to completely ignoring the CGI budget. That's all I've got to
explain it as the Hulk jumps repeatedly into the distance.
Hulk is now majestically jump/gliding around a beautiful desert
backdrop. It looks terrible. Stop, Ang, stop! Why is Bana even Hulked
out still? Dramatic helicopters with guns/Hulk standoff time! Hulk
survives and actually crashes a helicopter by catching a missile,
biting off the head, and spitting it at a helicopter. That's
outrageous and may be the movie's best part. Actually, definitely
now just keeps jump/gliding all the way to San Francisco. Sure,
whatever. Hulk rides a jet into space, loses consciousness, and Bana
hallucinates shaving while the Hulk breaks through a mirror, grabs
him, and actually calls him "puny human". I don't get this
scene, but it wasn't the worst! Heroin girl now wants to go to the
Hulk as mustaches military dad wants to destroy the Hulk, naturally.
Hulk awakens, fucks shit up in the city, and stops on seeing his
heroin girl in a trendy denim dress shirt. Bana de-Hulks after a
clear shot of the CGI-Hulk, wherein we see just how bad it truly
looks and the purple shorts shrink perfectly back to human
Nolte's in jail or at least a holding cell somehow now, and damnit,
they've brought him to where they're keeping Bana for some reason.
Nolte and Bana start having some bizarro heart to heart and it is
dumb. I have no idea why the military is cool with this, but I'm sure
Bana will Hulk out once more. Nolte bites a power line and becomes an
electricity monster? Well shit, I guess that might as well happen.
Meanwhile, Bana Hulks out and the Hulk/his electric daddy fight
across the sky.
crash back into the desert for Nolte to become a rock monster and
more fighting to occur. Hulk touches Nolte, and Nolte starts
morphing/phasing into the Hulk. Hulk stupidly tosses Nolte in water,
and Nolte becomes a water monster...this fight is ridiculous, but
Nolte's powers are kinda cool. And now the two fighters literally
freeze. Hulk then tries to force Nolte to absorb all his power, and I
have no idea what is happening. Oh, never mind, they go Hulknuclear
with Bana left floating in the water.
year later...because what's infinite flashbacks without a glimpse of
the future. Heroin girl loved Bana, mustached military dad thinks
Bana is dead but wants to be told if heroin girl finds him still
alive. Sudden shift to some Spanish-speaking jungle...and we find
Bana working as a doctor about to Hulk out on some dick. The end.
That movie sucked, no actor tried except for occasionally Nolte, and
Ang Lee gave no fucks.
hope my Canadian railroad overlord enjoys this review. Fuck Ang Lee's